Hey friends! So I have never been much of a reader. I always admire those people out there that can breeze through books! It takes me forever to finish just one! But last week we had a few rainy days here and I just got in a mood where I wanted to read. So I went to my local library and had a few books in mind. Well on my hunt for a certain book I stumbled upon Betty White's book called
If you ask me (And of course you won't). I love Betty White and am a huge fan of the Golden Girls so i had to check it out! This book was such an easy read. It's filled with pictures, and advice about life. I finished this book in two days! Which is a total record for me. I loved it so much!!
Yesterday I went shopping with my neice. We went to Walmart because I wanted to get a new candle because I wasn't really feeling the candles that I have. So I picked this new one up by Mainstays in Apples & Berries. I burned it last night and the scent filled up my whole room!! I love it. Also while I was picking out a candle I decided to pick up the little bars (similiar to the scentsy bars) to burn in my warmer. They are only $2! I picked up this one in Fresh Air. It smells kinda like laundry detergent.

(p.s. Do you spy my warmer behind the bars? I got it at Walmart too for $15.00 check them out if you can't afford the Scentsy ones that are $30-$40)
I've been using Avon Foot Works beautiful overnight cream for my feet. I have really rough heels gross I know :( but this cream has helped my heels a ton!! And it is almost always on sale for 2.99.
Lastly I also have been using the Avon Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield. I use it everytime I wash my hair and put it on after my shower. I really feel like this has helped my hair. Before I would need to put some type of smoothing cream after I straighten my hair now since using this I don't have to!
What are some things you have been loving? Also if you have any questions about any of these items feel free to ask. Have a great week everyone!