I recently got the privilege of trying out Head & Shoulders Damage Rescue shampoo and conditioner thanks to Influenster! My hair was in need of this shampoo and conditioner very badly because of the constant usage of a curling iron and straightener. This shampoo has a great smell which is described as a light peach scent. I have seen a difference in my hair since using this shampoo and conditioner and I have only been using it for a few weeks. You can pick up these at your local drugstore for around $5-7. Head & Shoulders offer several different scents if this one is not for you. But I have really enjoyed this one and plan on repurchasing it.
If you have not heard of Influenster they are a great company who send out free products based on the badges that you earn by filling out surveys on their website. It is free to sign up and if you are chosen to try out products you are not charged for anything then either. So I encourage you to sign up! You have nothing to lose.